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Cheat Sheets > Clearance  
CLEARANCE - Bilingual Clearance Forms

Clearing in is often your first encounter  with Spanish when you sail into a Spanish-speaking port. You're often tired after the passage and the prospect of speaking Spanish to men in uniforms can be daunting.

Here are Bilingual Crew Lists and other Clearance forms that you can download, fill in with your information and print copies as needed.

General Crew List
Mexican Clearance Forms (3 forms)

General Crew List

Click to view General Crew List


This Spanish-English General Crew List is an all-purpose format that you can use in most countries.

You can download it in either Microsoft WORD file or in PDF.

The WORD file will probably be most useful since you can open it in your word processor and type in the information for your boat and crew. You can then print copies as you need them.








The Mexican Clearance Forms (3 forms)

These 3 Mexican forms are used at different points in the check-in and out process:

Arrival Crew List
Used to clear into Mexico when you arrive from another country. 
A port captain fee is charged depending on your vessel's gross tonnage.
Notification Form
Used to notify the Port Captain when sailing from port to port within Mexico.
Any marina can help you notify the port captain, and may charge a fee for the service.
Exit Clearance
Used when you clear out of Mexico for another country.
You pay a Port Captain fee on departure.

Click to view the ARRIBO Form (Arrival Crew List)

Arrival Crew List (WORD file - 83 K)

Click to view the AVISO Form (Notification Form)

Notification Form
(WORD file - 102 K)

Click to view the ZARPE Form (Exit Clearance)

Exit Clearance
(WORD file - 96 K)

"Baja Naval" logo

These forms were developed with the assistance of Rogelio Gregg, DockMaster at Baja Naval in Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico), They are similar to the forms that Baja Naval uses in helping boats clear in and out of Mexico.

Thank you, Rogelio and Baja Naval for your help.


  Also thanks to cruiser Irving Bied who suggested adding another version of the Forms with Passport numbers. He reports that in some ports, the Port Captains were retyping his Crew List adding a column for Passport number.







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PROVISIONING - Mexican and Venezuelan Food Shopping Lists ...

CONVERSATION - How to Chat it Up ...

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Cruising South America Links

Cheat Sheets > Clearance